Children's Tutus & Dance Costume Prices
(Up to 14 Years or 13 Inch Skirt)
Plain children's tutu's start from £200 for self decoration, decorated tutu's start from £240 depending on style and finishing. Available in several styles, 4, 6 and 12 piece bodice, including romantic and the popular Russian pancake tutu.
Starting Prices*
Tutus £200 (Includes Material Costs, excludes finishing)
Modern Costumes £40 (Excludes Material Costs)
Lyrical Costumes £40 (Excludes Material Costs)
Song & Dance £40 (Excluding Material Costs)
Tap Costumes £45 (Excluding Material Costs)
* Note: These are starting prices, depending on chosen design prices may vary.
Adults Tutus & Dance Costume Prices
(15 Years or 14 Inch skirt and above)
Adults plain tutu's start from £260 for self decoration, decorated tutu's start from £300 depending on style and finishing. Available in several styles, 8, 10 and 12 piece bodice including romantic and pancake tutus.
Starting Prices*
Tutus £260 (Includes Material Costs, Hoop, excludes finishing)
Modern Costumes £60 (Excludes Material Costs)
Lyrical Costumes £50 (Excludes Material Costs)
Song & Dance £50 (Excluding Material Costs)
Tap Costumes £60 (Excluding Material Costs
* Note: These are starting prices, depending on chosen design prices may vary. Adults sizes
start from 15 years /14 inch skirt or Leotard size 3

Costume adjustments, rehooping, skirt length and general nip and tooks.
Alterations start from £15, For Prom dress/Bridal alterations please call, Prices depend on number of layers and size of skirt.
Starting Prices*
Tutu Rehooping £30 (Includes new hoop)
Tutu skirt stiffening £25
Tutu bodice adjustments £25
Costume alterations £15
Skirt length Alteration £15
Prom/Bridal Dress skirt length alteration £20